Cleaning house

Monday, June 18, 2007

quick update

This weekend was interesting. Fun, but interesting.

Worked Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday.

Saturday night, I went out with a few of the guys from the store. This is not my usual crowd of people I socialize with. Nice guys, but people outside my usual circle (mostly).

So...the synopsis? I wasn't drinking, they were trashed. FUNNY. Had a great time. Except...

I received no less than 6 unwanted cell phone calls between 11:30 pm and 2 am. I ignored them. This is the same person that both texted me and called me the night I was out with Joanna and Billy. I ignored those calls too.

I received crazy attention from one of the lads I was out with. I was invited out, because it was his birthday celebration. He just turned 23 last week. Yeah. I'm 36. Flattering? Yes. The boy is hotter than a $2 pistol. Lovely to look at. But he's TWENTY-THREE. It actually got to be quite annoying--because I didn't want to be mean to him, just firmly discouraging. So I was.

Yeah...good times. I was then late for work on Sunday. Which is not good, considering I'm the one that had the keys. Nothing like the crazy anxiety of being late for work anyway...but knowing that there's 30 people standing on the sidewalk waiting for you to show up? Yeah. Quite the intense way to wake up. :)

This week is sailing, and I'm VERY excited about it.

I'm home on my lunch break, so I won't get too fancy or involved. Have a happy day, and I'll post tonight. :)

I've missed you all...I'll be better at this. I need to. :)


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