Cleaning up my bathroom...
...I discovered why my sunburn didn't feel any better on Sunday morning.
I'd slathered myself with Dippity-Do instead of aloe.
Go ahead, laugh. I'll wait for you to finish. It really IS that funny. I'm such a moron.
I'd slathered myself with Dippity-Do instead of aloe.
Go ahead, laugh. I'll wait for you to finish. It really IS that funny. I'm such a moron.
Yikes, that sounds unfortunate (and slightly sticky).
By Anonymous, At Mon Jun 04, 11:39:00 pm
Know I know what it feels like to choke down a glass of wine in mid-laugh.
Ouch. For both your skin and the choking thing.
By FrozenExtremities, At Tue Jun 05, 12:24:00 am
That's terrible! Your poor sunburn :( Don't worry -- I didn't laugh too hard LOL
By jenniek, At Tue Jun 05, 06:36:00 am
I had to google - and then I laughed. :D
On the bright side, at least Dippity-Do is a styling product (I assume) rather than the dog grooming stuff that came up lower on the googling page. :D
By Mephitis, At Tue Jun 05, 06:59:00 am
Bright side? I'm sure you had very well coiffed body hair for a day. Now all the metrosexuals will be scooping up the Doo from their local drugstores. Look what you've started!
By themikestand, At Tue Jun 05, 10:18:00 am
i can totally see you doing that. amazing.
how's your burn now, i assume you've switched back to aloe?
By chRistine, At Tue Jun 05, 12:42:00 pm
Too funny! Sorry about the burn though. I have a burn story too but I'll save it.
By Sean Hully, At Wed Jun 06, 04:17:00 pm
well...umm...yah, sorry, I got nuttin, although I also had a spectacular burn on my legs via track...and because I was competing I was wearing runners/cleats, and therefore socks, and therefore I had a ridiculous tan when I went to the Lieutenant Governor's for supper...luckily my capris covered up the peeling.
I dislike the sun, the sun is not my friend!
By Random "Frequent Flyer" Dent, At Thu Jun 07, 01:00:00 am
I'd ask what dippity-do is, but it's much more amusing to imagine...
By Tread Softly, At Thu Jun 07, 02:34:00 am
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