Cleaning house

Thursday, June 01, 2006

So much to say.

So much to say.  Soooo much.


Yesterday?  It was quite possibly one of the most stressful days of my life.  Second only to the day my student loan finally came through, and was not enough to buy groceries, let alone the text books that I needed (in November) to write the exams that I had the next day.  When I’d broken up with my boyfriend of 6 years the night before—yep...That was stress-tastic.


The second time in my life I’ve ever cried in public.  The first?  See above.  Yepper…it was a GREAT day.  Money ALWAYS has a way of causing me intense stress.


Suffice to say, I have to call my mother and ask for help tonight.  Humiliating—yet necessary.  And also to say that I have no car yet.  Although it’s here, tuned up, detailed, and apparently beautiful.


And HIGHLY insured.  Through the nose, it’s insured.


I’ll fill in some details when I get home.  After I finish calling my mother to ask her to do something I REALLY don’t want to have to ask her.  REALLY don’t want to ask.  But I’m out of options.  Unless any of you are bankers, that want to lend me $7,000 based on the merits of my keen typing skills and my ability to dole out snappy one liners?  I didn’t think so.  I’ll be back later with details. J


Happy Thursday!



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