What a weekend.
Today was Monday, and it wasn't half bad...especially considering the lack of sleep I had last night/this weekend. I'm still up now, at 1:43am, and I really--REALLY--should be asleep.
First thing's first...Billy's sister had a baby, and she's BEAUTIFUL. Her name is Muirean. (meerrrran) Yep, Gaelic. I expect she'll be called Maureen more often than not. Poor kid. Oh well, she's adorable. (Mmmm....tasty, delicious babies!)
Well...I don't know where to begin, and I'm not sure how to start...and considering the drama that happened the last time I drank with the boys and considered the possibility of being naked, I'm not sure exactly how much I want to share here anyway.
I have a stupid meeting tomorrow morning in Dartmouth at 8 am. My shift doesn't start until 10. However, my entire morning is supposed to be taken up with this stupid meeting. Which will be a waste of time, as we will get together, discuss nothing, and come up with a list of things to tell our DM which we will phrase in the manner he wants to hear them. Why? Because he doesn't want us to come up with our own answers to his questions, he wants us to come up with HIS answers.
I don't care how long the meeting goes--I'm going to the gym on my way to work. I have to close again tomorrow, and I'll be damned if I'm going another whole week with no workout just because work sucks.
I am currently making baked beans. They are my first attempt at home-made beans, and they are in the oven. They've been there for about 3 hours now. Another 4 hours and they'll be ready to come out. I really hope they taste okay. I never liked them when I was a kid, but I've been wanting to make them for almost a year now...so I did. Cross your fingers!
Friday I was off all day, and it was great. I tanned briefly (not that you can tell), managed to not swim, moved furniture, purged crap, dropped stuff off at the Salvation Army box, and did a whole lot of nothing. I stayed up far too late reading blogs, and didn't get a whole lot of sleep. I wasn't doing anything in particular, except not going to sleep.
Saturday, however, I did a LOT of stuff.
I worked from 6:30 to 4. Looooooong day. (not busy though, as you see I posted from work!) After 4, I went with Lynn to pick out paint colours at Benjamin Moore. Then I made her come with me to buy bras. They were on special at Zellers, and I was desperate for some new ones. I still am, as they had not a hell of a lot to choose from in my rather sizey-size. I am not a terribly large person, but proportionately speaking, I'm a wee bit busty. This is a challenge when it comes to fitting into clothes, and to buying underwear.
Everyone always says 'oh, I have a shirt that will fit you!' and scoffs when I say that 'no, no you don't. I'm pretty sure your shirt won't fit me.' They scoff, that is, until they force me to try it on, and I either bust out a seam (literally) or hand it back all stretched out and shapeless. Needless to say, I very seldom borrow shirts from friends.
I bought 2 bras that were identical to one another--both black. I wanted a white one and a beige one, but they only had black in my size. So now I have 4 black bras that fit, and 2 stretched out white bras that sort of fit, and a beige stretched out bra that only manages to fit where it touches. An embarrassment of riches, almost.
I then drove some shed parts out to a customer's home in Tantallon. She had a lovely home, in a spectacular neighbourhood. And she was nice too...which makes me not hate having to do a good deed for her.
On my way out there, Ange called to see what the plan was for Saturday night. (we were heading to Chris' to drink, then downtown) I said she should make arrangements with Chris, and I'd call her back when I got home.
No sooner had I walked in the door and put down my stuff (7:20?) than my phone rang--it was Ange. She wanted to know if I needed any 'refreshments' from the liquor store. I did not. I asked what time we were heading over, and she said 'i'm on my way to your place now...aren't you ready yet?' The scramble was on.
I was dressed and ready and out the door by 10 past 8. That includes emptying a cupboard in the kitchen to make room for Joe's food-stuffs.
We went to pick up a couple of girls Ange had invited along, and then sat in their parking lot for 20 minutes while we waited for them to be ready. They kinda sucked. Oh well.
We were at Chris' by 8:40. There we commenced chatting about stuff, discussing things, and drinking copious amounts of liquor. Angela had challenged Chris to a duel. Chris is my age, and a smart man...he knew it would get messy. She's 25 and tiny. He's 6'4" and not so tiny. His liver has an extra 11 years of conditioning. Chris was a good man, and conceded from the beginning. Not to say none of us got sloppy anyway, but...it was less sloppy.
The girls (J&J2) walked back to their apartment (2 blocks away) to get their dog that they were dog-sitting. I don't understand this, but they did. They brought the dog to Chris' house. It was at this point that I realized Chris' kids were home. I played superhero action figures with them for a little while. The boy head-butted me by accident. (I head-butted him by accident too. I'm thinking it was a mutual accident. No-fault insurance came into play.)
The dog stayed at the house with the kids while we all went to Cheers. We danced and danced. I talked to boys. The girls had all bailed long before to go to the Alehouse. Chris and I had been dancing like fiends on the dancefloor, and didn't want to leave. I didn't want to pay a second cover, and I didn't really want to go to another bar. I was happy, and drinking, and dancing, and that was good enough for me. I think I even told Chris, "You guys can all go if you want. I'll just stay here until it's time to go home" Chris stayed with me, Morgan went with the girls. Morgan came back...and that's when I managed to lose the boys. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back--'POOF! they was gone! After wandering the room a couple of times to no avail, I sat at the bar for a few minutes and watched golf--and then, thinking I was truly abandoned, I went and stood next to a guy I recognized from Plenty of Fish and made conversation until the boys (Chris & Morgan) came back to find me.
After a while, we decided it was time to go. We went outside, and Chris & I wanted to eat. Morgan just wanted to go home. So he left. Chris and Steve (POF-guy) and I went to PizzaCorner for street meat. Hot dogs galore!
We then wandered up to the library to sit on the wall and wait for a cab. Steve came with us and we chatted and gabbed. Apparently I'm quite entertaining. My firm grasp of the obvious ensured that I would remark on an attractive black man's head. "That man has no hair." Steve dared me to go and touch his head. I scoffed in his general direction. It was a stupid dare.
I immediately walked over to the man who was laying down on the wall. "Excuse me sir. May I touch your head?" He agreed, and I did. It felt good. He said that, actually. "That feels Great!" I said "Thank you sir! Have a good evening!"
I walked back to where Chris was laughing his butt off, and Steve was looking surprised. Chris knows me well enough to not dare me to do stupid things. Steve apparently thought this was bold. He needs to stick around, or get out more, or something. Bold, my ass!
We were about to exchange phone numbers when the cab pulled up. I was very excited about the cab, and so jumped up quickly and ran to it! I climbed in, pulling Chris in behind me, shouted 'Thanks a lot! See you later! Nice to meet you! Good bye!' over my shoulder, and off we went home.
'Cept it wasn't my home, obviously. My keys, booze, and Angela's car were all at Chris'. The plan was to crash there. I expected Angela to be there too, because Chris had given her and the girls his spare key...but they had left it at the apartment. So they just went to J&J2's house after they left the Alehouse. We got back to Chris' at about 5 am.
** that's it for the update tonight. It's 2:21 am here, and I have to be up for 6:30 for that stupid meeting. Suffice to say, I had a GREAT weekend--Lower deck sunday...boys...girls...animals...adventure...ice cream...it was a great weekend. I'll finish up tomorrow. I promise! **
First thing's first...Billy's sister had a baby, and she's BEAUTIFUL. Her name is Muirean. (meerrrran) Yep, Gaelic. I expect she'll be called Maureen more often than not. Poor kid. Oh well, she's adorable. (Mmmm....tasty, delicious babies!)
Well...I don't know where to begin, and I'm not sure how to start...and considering the drama that happened the last time I drank with the boys and considered the possibility of being naked, I'm not sure exactly how much I want to share here anyway.
I have a stupid meeting tomorrow morning in Dartmouth at 8 am. My shift doesn't start until 10. However, my entire morning is supposed to be taken up with this stupid meeting. Which will be a waste of time, as we will get together, discuss nothing, and come up with a list of things to tell our DM which we will phrase in the manner he wants to hear them. Why? Because he doesn't want us to come up with our own answers to his questions, he wants us to come up with HIS answers.
I don't care how long the meeting goes--I'm going to the gym on my way to work. I have to close again tomorrow, and I'll be damned if I'm going another whole week with no workout just because work sucks.
I am currently making baked beans. They are my first attempt at home-made beans, and they are in the oven. They've been there for about 3 hours now. Another 4 hours and they'll be ready to come out. I really hope they taste okay. I never liked them when I was a kid, but I've been wanting to make them for almost a year now...so I did. Cross your fingers!
Friday I was off all day, and it was great. I tanned briefly (not that you can tell), managed to not swim, moved furniture, purged crap, dropped stuff off at the Salvation Army box, and did a whole lot of nothing. I stayed up far too late reading blogs, and didn't get a whole lot of sleep. I wasn't doing anything in particular, except not going to sleep.
Saturday, however, I did a LOT of stuff.
I worked from 6:30 to 4. Looooooong day. (not busy though, as you see I posted from work!) After 4, I went with Lynn to pick out paint colours at Benjamin Moore. Then I made her come with me to buy bras. They were on special at Zellers, and I was desperate for some new ones. I still am, as they had not a hell of a lot to choose from in my rather sizey-size. I am not a terribly large person, but proportionately speaking, I'm a wee bit busty. This is a challenge when it comes to fitting into clothes, and to buying underwear.
Everyone always says 'oh, I have a shirt that will fit you!' and scoffs when I say that 'no, no you don't. I'm pretty sure your shirt won't fit me.' They scoff, that is, until they force me to try it on, and I either bust out a seam (literally) or hand it back all stretched out and shapeless. Needless to say, I very seldom borrow shirts from friends.
I bought 2 bras that were identical to one another--both black. I wanted a white one and a beige one, but they only had black in my size. So now I have 4 black bras that fit, and 2 stretched out white bras that sort of fit, and a beige stretched out bra that only manages to fit where it touches. An embarrassment of riches, almost.
I then drove some shed parts out to a customer's home in Tantallon. She had a lovely home, in a spectacular neighbourhood. And she was nice too...which makes me not hate having to do a good deed for her.
On my way out there, Ange called to see what the plan was for Saturday night. (we were heading to Chris' to drink, then downtown) I said she should make arrangements with Chris, and I'd call her back when I got home.
No sooner had I walked in the door and put down my stuff (7:20?) than my phone rang--it was Ange. She wanted to know if I needed any 'refreshments' from the liquor store. I did not. I asked what time we were heading over, and she said 'i'm on my way to your place now...aren't you ready yet?' The scramble was on.
I was dressed and ready and out the door by 10 past 8. That includes emptying a cupboard in the kitchen to make room for Joe's food-stuffs.
We went to pick up a couple of girls Ange had invited along, and then sat in their parking lot for 20 minutes while we waited for them to be ready. They kinda sucked. Oh well.
We were at Chris' by 8:40. There we commenced chatting about stuff, discussing things, and drinking copious amounts of liquor. Angela had challenged Chris to a duel. Chris is my age, and a smart man...he knew it would get messy. She's 25 and tiny. He's 6'4" and not so tiny. His liver has an extra 11 years of conditioning. Chris was a good man, and conceded from the beginning. Not to say none of us got sloppy anyway, but...it was less sloppy.
The girls (J&J2) walked back to their apartment (2 blocks away) to get their dog that they were dog-sitting. I don't understand this, but they did. They brought the dog to Chris' house. It was at this point that I realized Chris' kids were home. I played superhero action figures with them for a little while. The boy head-butted me by accident. (I head-butted him by accident too. I'm thinking it was a mutual accident. No-fault insurance came into play.)
The dog stayed at the house with the kids while we all went to Cheers. We danced and danced. I talked to boys. The girls had all bailed long before to go to the Alehouse. Chris and I had been dancing like fiends on the dancefloor, and didn't want to leave. I didn't want to pay a second cover, and I didn't really want to go to another bar. I was happy, and drinking, and dancing, and that was good enough for me. I think I even told Chris, "You guys can all go if you want. I'll just stay here until it's time to go home" Chris stayed with me, Morgan went with the girls. Morgan came back...and that's when I managed to lose the boys. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back--'POOF! they was gone! After wandering the room a couple of times to no avail, I sat at the bar for a few minutes and watched golf--and then, thinking I was truly abandoned, I went and stood next to a guy I recognized from Plenty of Fish and made conversation until the boys (Chris & Morgan) came back to find me.
After a while, we decided it was time to go. We went outside, and Chris & I wanted to eat. Morgan just wanted to go home. So he left. Chris and Steve (POF-guy) and I went to PizzaCorner for street meat. Hot dogs galore!
We then wandered up to the library to sit on the wall and wait for a cab. Steve came with us and we chatted and gabbed. Apparently I'm quite entertaining. My firm grasp of the obvious ensured that I would remark on an attractive black man's head. "That man has no hair." Steve dared me to go and touch his head. I scoffed in his general direction. It was a stupid dare.
I immediately walked over to the man who was laying down on the wall. "Excuse me sir. May I touch your head?" He agreed, and I did. It felt good. He said that, actually. "That feels Great!" I said "Thank you sir! Have a good evening!"
I walked back to where Chris was laughing his butt off, and Steve was looking surprised. Chris knows me well enough to not dare me to do stupid things. Steve apparently thought this was bold. He needs to stick around, or get out more, or something. Bold, my ass!
We were about to exchange phone numbers when the cab pulled up. I was very excited about the cab, and so jumped up quickly and ran to it! I climbed in, pulling Chris in behind me, shouted 'Thanks a lot! See you later! Nice to meet you! Good bye!' over my shoulder, and off we went home.
'Cept it wasn't my home, obviously. My keys, booze, and Angela's car were all at Chris'. The plan was to crash there. I expected Angela to be there too, because Chris had given her and the girls his spare key...but they had left it at the apartment. So they just went to J&J2's house after they left the Alehouse. We got back to Chris' at about 5 am.
** that's it for the update tonight. It's 2:21 am here, and I have to be up for 6:30 for that stupid meeting. Suffice to say, I had a GREAT weekend--Lower deck sunday...boys...girls...animals...adventure...ice cream...it was a great weekend. I'll finish up tomorrow. I promise! **
Labels: moving on, my poor liver, riding with boys in taxis, Sunday adventures, work sucks
I'm led to believe that bra-fitting is quite an art, and a dying one at that.
Why did my mind go there?
Back to regular programming now.
Unknown, At
Tue Aug 07, 11:03:00 am
Wow, sounds like a fun weekend.
How do you "make" baked beans? Did they turn out ok?
Twizi, At
Tue Aug 07, 12:09:00 pm
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