Cleaning house

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Insert Clever Title Here

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you!

Well, yesterday...but I was out, so I couldn't wish you the wishes then.

Heidi and Joanne and I went down to my Happy Place for the evening. We didn't even have to stand in line that long, which is amazing, all things considered. It was ridiculously packed with a whole bunch of little kids. (By little kids, I mean 19 year olds, not 7 year olds. But they might as well be the same thing when I'm at a bar, because quite frankly, they're just as irritating.)

Heidi bailed on us after about an hour. She said she had a stomach ache, but I'm 90% sure she went to the Pogue to meet up with her roommate/boyfriend. Joanne and I had a great time. We met a lovely boy who has the most beautiful laugh. I haven't laughed so hard in ages. So, for the second time in as many weeks, I've met a new boy. I didn't kiss this one, though. Although he is so much more my type. Adorable. You just want to squeeze his little cheeks until it hurts.


Time delay has caused this post to be truncated. There is more. Then, there is follow-up. Then , there is confusion and disappointment. Much like a day at the mall when you have money to spend and you can't find any jeans that fit right.

More tomorrow when I'm not so freaking tired. :)

Needless to say (or perhaps not?) I am scuffed, but not scathed. Shaken, but most certainly not stirred. That, and just plain freaking awesome. I amaze me sometimes, with how overall awesome I am. Carry on.


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