Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Terrific Tuesday.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Whee :)
"Hi there...I'm calling for H__. It's Sadie calling. It's 10 after 10..I'm going to be up for a while, so if you get this message, give me a call at 555-CUTE. I'll look forward to hearing from you."
So I was happy with myself for leaving a message that didn't sound as moronic as it could have. But I was frustrated that I wasted my second phone call on the machine again. But more proud than upset. I was prepared to let it go--I've invested two calls, now it's out of my hands.
About 2 minutes later--when I was IMing a friend to tell her about my fit of courage--the phone rang. ARGH! So I answered it...a bundle of nerves and trepidation.
"Hello, Sadie?"
"Yes, it's me."
"It's Robert, H__'s roommate."
"I am calling because I had to tell you that I'm really sorry but I accidentally erased your message before. And I had no way to get a hold of you."
"I just wanted you to know. H__ will be glad you called. He's out of town right now, but when he comes back, he'll be sure to call you."
"I just didn't want you to worry about him. He'll be really glad you called. He'll call you for sure when he gets home. I don't know his schedule, but I know he'll call you."
So...Hurrah! :) Now...if I could only figure out what his schedule is! :)
I feel so much less stressed out about this now. I also feel much less stupid and silly for obsessing about someone that I'd pretty much convinced myself wasn't interested. He may still not be, but somehow I doubt it. A GUY's roomie wouldn't trip over himself to save things with some girl that his buddy wasn't interested in. Well, I don't think so anyway. :) So. There. :)
I really AM amazing, it's not just hype. Now, if I can only stay sane until he gets back to town! *laugh* Happy Monday post-bonanza.
500 visits
So I have started several posts this week, and I have completed none. In fact, it’s been almost two weeks since I gave you a real post. Why? Because.
I’ve had so much turmoil going on inside my head that I have been too busy to even write it down. And writing it down usually helps!
I have become obsessed with a boy. A boy that I haven’t even really told you about! (He’s adorable—reference 2 posts ago if you doubt this.)
I have made some serious life decisions. I have had some revelatory meetings and discussions with people at work that can control my destiny. I am feeling pretty good about my life in general—things are looking up.
I’ve begun to open up to people about my private life. I’ve told 4 or 5 people about my obsession with this boy. I haven’t done that since I was in elementary school—in my experience, these things always backfire. But I’ve done it, nonetheless. I’m still feeling pretty good about it, and I’m hoping that it all works out for the best.
But because I’ve been talking about it in Real Life, and messaging friends that I talk to all the time about it (Hi Rob!), I haven’t really felt much like posting the gory details here. And that’s just plain wrong. Why? Because this is MY journal. Much as you are all welcome to read it, and much as I enjoy hearing your comments and observations regarding my rather mundane existence, it’s still for all intents and purposes MY diary.
I’ve done much better here than I ever have before at consistently entering my daily events and feelings. I’m not so good at diary keeping. I read somewhere once (and I cling to this!) that diaries are for people that think—people that DO are far too busy to write it down. I choose to believe I’m too busy having fun to write things down.
But I have a terrible memory. People, who know me well, are WELL aware of this. If things don’t get written down, they don’t get done. And that’s a bad thing for someone who can’t reliably keep a diary. I hold onto my old day-planners so that I can look back and see what was going on in my life 4 years ago. Without that tangible tool, I don’t have a clue what was happening to me in 2002. I also would have NO CLUE as to what city I was living in, or where I was working. My memory is just that bad.
So I will henceforth endeavour to be more reliable about posting my shite. I need to be able to look back and see where I was in my life. I love having this tool. I enjoy having the feedback of (not-so) strangers. It is the most unbiased and objective type of input a girl could hope for. And I don’t really mind being a little embarrassed in front of you all, because I know that I don’t have to face you tomorrow in the lunchroom. And that even if you ARE judging me a little bit, I can live with that…because I asked for it.
I’m posting from work right now, because posting from home has become somewhat of an ordeal. I hate confrontations. I avoid starting them at all costs, for the most part. I deal with them all the time at work, and I’m not afraid to start something in public, but in my private life? Never a confrontation I couldn’t manage to avoid for months on end. Granted, this never makes things better—I just stew over it day after day and become more angry and embittered…but that’s life. J
Perhaps later I’ll tell you all about my current boy-crush. You can give me tips on whether or not it’s okay to call him until he answers. I know that it’s not really cool, but at the same time…I’m 34 freaking years old and I have a crush like a 10 year old. Remember when you used to call the boy you like and either crank-call or just hang up 27 times a night? Back in the olden days, before call display! Or when you used to ride your bike past the house of the boy you liked over and over and over again all day on Saturday, in hopes (and terror!) that he might actually be out on the front porch one time and you’d get to say ‘hello’ to him as you pedalled fast away? Those were the days.
I’m wanting to do that now. I want to phone and phone and phone until he realizes that he thinks I’m as amazing as I truly am (and humble too!) and can’t live another second without me.
Wow…if I’m this infatuated after only dinner, imagine what I’ll be like if we ever actually KISS?! (He may be a terrible kisser—that would work wonders for putting an end to this teenage angst-ridden infatuation bullshit. Here’s hoping—I really don’t like being a messy bundle of tense emotions!)
Anyway…time to get back to work.
p.s. Could I possibly start any more paragraphs with prepositions and conjunctives? Not freaking likely.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
I've got a crush on you.
I met you at the Lower Deck on St.Patrick's day. You held my hand. You lied about your name and your job. Yet, I still gave you a chance. You took me to dinner the next day. We laughed and chatted for several hours.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Insert Clever Title Here
Well, yesterday...but I was out, so I couldn't wish you the wishes then.
Heidi and Joanne and I went down to my Happy Place for the evening. We didn't even have to stand in line that long, which is amazing, all things considered. It was ridiculously packed with a whole bunch of little kids. (By little kids, I mean 19 year olds, not 7 year olds. But they might as well be the same thing when I'm at a bar, because quite frankly, they're just as irritating.)
Heidi bailed on us after about an hour. She said she had a stomach ache, but I'm 90% sure she went to the Pogue to meet up with her roommate/boyfriend. Joanne and I had a great time. We met a lovely boy who has the most beautiful laugh. I haven't laughed so hard in ages. So, for the second time in as many weeks, I've met a new boy. I didn't kiss this one, though. Although he is so much more my type. Adorable. You just want to squeeze his little cheeks until it hurts.
Time delay has caused this post to be truncated. There is more. Then, there is follow-up. Then , there is confusion and disappointment. Much like a day at the mall when you have money to spend and you can't find any jeans that fit right.
More tomorrow when I'm not so freaking tired. :)
Needless to say (or perhaps not?) I am scuffed, but not scathed. Shaken, but most certainly not stirred. That, and just plain freaking awesome. I amaze me sometimes, with how overall awesome I am. Carry on.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Whee. :)
Chad and I were supposed to hook up on Tuesday night, but I had to work a close shift. So tonight we met up for dinner.
It was fun. I had a date. I've only ever had 2 dates in my life, so it was neat. Generally, you just meet somebody and things just start to happen and before you know it you're dating. It's all very simple. But tonight, it was a prearranged plan. And it went fairly well.
He's still interesting, which is nice. He's much shorter than I usually like, but I could get used to that. The conversation was good--we talked all through supper, he brought me home. I invited him in for coffee. I made him coffee. I had hot water. (relax, I LIKE hot water--I didn't want tea. HONEST.) We talked more. He talked about money a LOT. I don't really like that much, as it doesn't matter to me so much. I know you'd never be able to tell by how much I obsess about not having any...but that's a topic for another time.
So we smooched a little bit at the door, and that was nice. Just before that we had been talking about what plans we had for tomorrow. I indicated that Heidi and I were planning to hit the Lower Deck. He was planning to go to the Celtic Corner (in Dartmouth, across the street from his house). He then suggested that most of his buddies would be out in downtown Halifax tomorrow and that he might be interested in joining up with Heidi and I. He gave me his cell number and said to call him if we ended up going out and he'd meet up with us. So...I guess that means he's interested. :)
If he was looking for an easy bar-chick, I think he found out tonight that I ain't that girl. I get the distinct impression from his conversation that he still has some growing up to do--that he's still really focussed on bars and drinking and going out. Well, I guess I'm one to talk, since I've been out every weekend for a month....but that's not the point. :) I think he's quite a bit more 'experienced' than I am and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Actually, I am sure. I'm icked out by it.
But, I can't judge him for being prepared to mess around with a girl he met in a bar, because that girl was me. I just don't like to think of people doing that with OTHER girls...because, quite frankly, other girls are whores. :) But I bet they have more fun. :) Ah well, self-respect comes with a steep price-tag sometimes. But nobody wants to be the slore* next door.
*Slore: combination slut/whore. Girls who are trampy, yet vomitously dirty at the same time. Not just getting around and being slutty. Not just being a cootie-ridden and dirty whore. It's much more than that. She's a slore.
My throat is still very sore. My cough that I picked up in Moncton last Friday has not gotten better. In fact, it's gotten worse. I sound like I'm dying of tuberculosis. And I may very well be. My voice is all husky and raw. Someone at work suggested I should cut my album this week so that I have the sexy voice to do it with. I suggested they kindly fuck off. I then proceeded to cough for almost 5 minutes straight. It sucks trying to be saucy and getting told by your body to suck it up and be nicer to the dumb animals.
I have been messengering a boy that I met online. And by boy, I mean boy. He's 26. I'm not interested in dating him, but he's fun to play with. It's interesting to see little kids trying to swim with the big fish. I don't know enough yet about the kid to know if we'll be friends or not. Here's hoping, he's funny.
So I've actually accomplished one of my two new year's goals this year already. My goal was to be more open to possibility and to opportunity. I have been bold, and daring, and have not slammed the door in the face of fate. I have had a heck of a lot of fun, and I'm pretty pleased about it overall. I'm very proud of me. :)
I didn't talk much about the road trip, and I didn't tell you anything yet about the conversation I had with Scott yesterday about my future with the company. I had a really very good chat with him, and I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, because I'm too tired and coughed out tonight.
Night folks.
Monday, March 13, 2006
So...sorry. I was AWOL again.
To the average outsider, it would appear that I was busy having a life. And you know, they're not so far from the truth. I have had a really rather fun week. Tiring, sickly, but fun.
I closed the store on Monday and Tuesday, so the days were long and pretty much shot. Wednesday, I left from the store to go to Moncton for a training seminar for work. It was a coaching seminar, and it was REALLY a great course. It was a lot of fun, and role-plays, which I usually hate, were a hoot.
I met some really fantastic people from other stores, and really hit it off with the Assistant Manager from our store in PEI. He's a load of fun--and as he's only been with the company for a year, his views on things were really useful to me. And my gossip connections were useful to him. *Grin* The other two folks from PEI were awesome too. I really enjoyed myself. I also met somebody from our Newfoundland location, and he was a hoot. We travelled together in the car on Wednesday and Friday night, so we had a lot of fun.
I got home from Moncton late on Friday night, slept, repacked and headed to the store for 6:30 am. I had to open. I had started feeling sick and hoarse on Friday in the car on the drive home, and Saturday it was full-fledged. I went in to the store, and returned Scott's car. We walked the salesfloor, decided on some tasks for the day, and were in mid-conversation about something. Scott turned to say something to someone else. I was suddenly overcome with nausea. I bolted.
I called him from the bathroom. "I need to go home now." "Why? What's up?" "My breakfast."
So I left. I felt better within a couple of hours, and was able to allow myself to give in to the persuasion of the girls I was supposed to be road-tripping with. We went to Fredericton.
The reason for the roadtrip was Leana's and Heather's combined birthday celebrations. What a freaking hoot that was. It was my first all-girl road trip, and we had such a blast. There was catty backstabbing, pretentious self-admiration and self-aggrandizement, there was silliness, sexiness, and even mad-intelligence. We rocked. We rocked out.
We got a 1/2 price hotel room. Because I'm the queen of disorganization, that's why. I so rock.
We were about to leave the hotel room and check out, when I did my patented 'last look around' routine. I was down on my hands and knees to check under the bed for lost socks, and I flipped back the bedspread. Imagine my surprise (and disgust) when I spotted a used condom. Yes, you read that right. A USED CONDOM. And before you ask, we were 4 girls in one did NOT belong to us.
I made the others look at it. We took its photo. (I'll post it tomorrow if Leana can get the photos uploaded from her digital camera--it broke during our final 'on-the-road-photo-shoot'.) We then went to the front desk and lodged a complaint. Well, Lynn and Leana did. I stayed in the car. I get enough people complaining to me about stuff that REALLY, not such a big deal. Gross, yes. Funny? Damn straight. But it's not like we found it stuck to our socks. Anyway, Lynn managed to get us 1/2 off our room without being bitchy, so I was very pleased.
Our entire weekend away (sans alcohol--that brings up the cost more than I care to say) was super-cheap: $25.00 each for gas, and $12.50 each for hotel. I spent $20 for my supper on Saturday night, and $10 for breakfast on Sunday. So....a cheap weekend away, but a VERY pricy weekend when you include EVERYTHING. *grin*
Good times.
And it got better. The road part of the road-trip, was by far and away the best part. We joked and laughed and giggled. We laughed so hard we cried. Several times. It was fun.
I got home from my Moncton trip on Friday night, and found a message saved on the phone. Chad called me on Wednesday. I called him back on Sunday evening. We chatted for about 45 minutes. It was interesting. We talked about jobs, relationships, the fact that all our friends are married. How we react when other people ask why we're not married. We talked about the average length of our relationships. (His are all long-term too.) It was interesting. And surreal, a little bit.
I guess I'm just not sure about this whole 'grown-up dating' thing is supposed to work. I've never asked/discussed such probing questions before I even go out with someone. Although, I guess once you've sucked face you have a bit of a connection.
We were going to hook up for dinner and a movie tomorrow night, but I have to work, so it may be Wednesday. I'll keep you posted.
So I've been a busy bee. It's been great. But now we're back to the grind...I moved about 6 boxes of crap out of my bedroom on Sunday night, and I tidied up and packed some clothes that I'm giving away. The Big Brothers/Big Sisters van will be overjoyed. At least, I hope so.
And now, I'm beat. It's time for bed. I may post some photos once Leana gets them uploaded. But I may not. We'll see. I'm not sure how I feel about posting photos of me. And I don't want to post photos of other people without asking first.
I may have to resort to Buckley's tomorrow. I'd go back to the doctor for drugs, but I still don't have my new health card, and frankly, I just don't want to deal with the 3rd degree about my citizenship. It's too much hassle. But if I'm still sick in two weeks when my new card arrives, you can bet I'll be right at the doors when they open! I'm tired of being sick. And right now? This not breathing, sore throat, phlegm-hacking coughing routine--wearing a little thin.
Night folks. WAIT!!! A photo to celebrate Saint Boozeaholic's Day on Friday. We should ALL be celebrating, not just Rob. Enjoy.

Sunday, March 05, 2006
It'd be the freaking coolest. I really liked the chair with the tube slide. It's like having an ejector seat, only sneakier!
This is an old post, but I went back to re-read it tonight, and I still support Rick. And not just because I had large quantities of the deliciously malty beverage last evening.
Which brings us to Saturday night. I wasn't going to go out. I was going to stay home and rag on my roomie for being a deadbeat loser who has not as of yet paid his March rent.* Luckily for me, Heidi twisted my rubber arm by uttering the magical phrase. "Lower Deck". It's my happy place, as many of you are already aware.
*He gets paid tomorrow, and has promised that it will be paid promptly upon receipt of said cheque. We shall see. I need to be much more of a bitch about this. It's causing me huge stress, and I can't live with that. The whole point to having a roomie was to make my life EASIER, financially speaking at least
So...We went out. And a blast was had. Lots of beer was drunk. I nearly kicked the crap out of some married guy who kept putting his arm around me. I removed it several times, quite politely, but very firmly making it clear that I didn't like being touched. He suggested I was weird. And that I just didn't know that I liked it. I made it very clear that I wasn't cool with that. I suggested that I had an allergy to wedding rings. He made a point of letting me know "You're not all that." "I'm well aware of that." "Well. Then. Because you're not!" "We're agreed then. And since I'm NOT all that, you won't mind fucking off and leaving me alone now." Went over well, I'm sure you'll understand.
His buddies were very nice, but he was an ass. The single one (Chad--he comes back into the story later) took him aside and explained that he was being an asshole and that he should stop. "You're out of control, buddy. Cool it." Drunk guy did not cool it. In fact, another girl had him kicked out.
So. Back to Chad. Not usually my type. But he was cute, and I was loaded. And my only resolution for this year was to be more adventurous and to worry less about other people's perceptions of me. (Or what I THINK they think of me anyway!) I kissed my second man in a bar ever.
The first, was also at The Lower Deck. It was my birthday when I turned 29. We were out celebrating quite vigorously, as I wasn't sure I was going to want to celebrate the next year, and it was an evening of firsts. After the second pitcher drinking contest, I met a bunch of sailors(the Navy kind). I picked a rather attractive one, and stated boldly "You know, I've never kissed a sailor before." He asked if I'd like to rectify that, and so I did. It was fun.
Last night, was the second. It wasn't full-on snogging or anything like that, but I did smooch a stranger in a public place. It was quite lovely, so I was overly pleased with myself. It's an highly un-Sadie thing to do. It's nice to have a friend to go out with that doesn't have a preconceived notion of who you are,; it makes these breaches in judgment much easier to live with *grin*.
After the Lower Deck closed, we went upstairs to the taproom and danced up a storm. Chad's friends all went home to their families, and he came up to dance with Heidi and I. We had another beverage (highly unnecessary at this point in the evening), and danced like demons. This is when the smooch happened. Then there was much more dancing. Fun times.
We all took a cab back to Heidi's place. Her roomie/boyfriend/ex-beau was out of town, so there was plenty of room for crashing. I was supposed to have Rob's room, but spent most of the evening making out on the couch instead. It was fun. And although I'm a bold smoocher with mad skillz, it's nice for me to be able to say I'm still an uptight prude about strangers.
So. Fun was had, beer was drunk, booties were shaken, egos were stroked, and smooching was smooched. Fun. :)
One of the best things about it, other than my break from my senses, is the boost it gave my ego. I don't feel like a bar-slut (because I'm definitely not). I met a really nice guy with a decent job and the ability to carry on an intelligent conversation. (We debated the commercial viability of retail lumberyards versus the traditional sort. I'd like to do that again when I'm not loaded.)
When I was with Luke, compliments came few and far between. I came out of that relationship really questioning my 'presence'. I hadn't had the validation of 'you're pretty', 'you're sexy', or even 'I really like you'. That was missing in my primary relationship for over a year. That's just plain WRONG. Last night, I met someone who didn't mind telling me that he thought I was, indeed, all that. It was refreshingly nice.
I know it sounds shallow, but I really liked having that validation. I know I don't look like I got hit in the face with a shovel. I know I've had a lot of attention in the past because I'm fairly symmetrical. I've been told on occasion that men are intimidated by me (boggles the mind, really). But...I need the external validation. I know it's wrong, but there it is. And yesterday, I got it.
Maybe if I'd heard that a bit more when I cut my hair, I wouldn't be so fired up to grow it back again. Because, frankly, it was a hot little haircut and I loved it. But because every man I know told me "Why'd you cut it? You had such beautiful hair!" and because no strangers ever even gave me the time of day, I felt very unattractive. And I felt so unsexy, that I need to grow it back, no matter how much better it looks short! :) Yep, shallow, that's me.
Anyway...This is enough babbling about things that I usually don't tell people about for one night. And I promise that this blog will not become 'the misadventures of Sadie' any time soon. You will not hear many more tales of smooching strangers--I don't intend to change my personality completely! And the full-disclosure bit? I really don't think I could keep it up if I tried. I'm naturally secretive and reserved. And I kinda like it that way. It's much safer. :)